Lee Chicago

Exploring Nature One Step at a Time

Labrador Tea

Flowering Labrador Tea

Labrador Tea has many uses, and is most commonly consumed as a tea, hence it’s name. It is a powerful medicine and the benefits of Labrador Tea include healing the intestinal tract, detoxifying the body, aiding in sleep, and as a remedy for colds, flus, irritated skin, bacterial and fungal disease. It is dangerous when consumed in large quantities, and can be mistaken for a few toxic look-alikes. From collection to consumption, be careful and knowledgeable to prevent sickness or death.

Labrador Tea (rhododenderon groenlandicun) is a low shrub that can be found in alpine forests across Canada and the US. They love wet habitats such as bogs, peatlands and marshes. They can grow a few feet tall, with green leathery leaves that have a distinct rust-orange fluff on the underside. Their downward pointing leaves can be seen throughout all seasons as they don’t drop their leaves during winter. During late spring they have small white flowers that bunch together.


Labrador Tea is apart of the Ericaceae family which is also known as the health family, so it makes sense that it has plenty of medicinal uses! The flowers and leaves have been used most commonly for tea, but also as a spice for meat, salad, soups and stews. They act similar to a bay leaf in addition to adding a unique flavor in the kitchen.

Labrador tea has the ability to mildly soothe pain when taken both internally and externally. When made into a tea it can help alleviate cold and flu symptoms such as sore lungs and coughing. It can be drying to the airways so it’s recommended to treat in moderation. It has also been proven that Labrador tea is an antibiotic, helping with E.coli and Bacillus subtilis! Some studies say that it also has anti-inflammatory properties. Labrador tea has been used as a mild blood and skin cleanser.

When taken internally it can help with bowel movements and fight against colon cancer. Benefits of Labrador Tea include cleaning out the bloodstream, but also includes the ability to detoxify organs and clear foreign substances out of the body. This can be helpful after a surgery to prevent infection. Addiction, insomnia, stress, and lack of circulation are just some other things that Labrador Tea can help with!

Historical Importance

Labrador Tea During Early Spring. Found in a Wetland

Benefits of Labrador Tea were well known by the Native American Peoples, and was one of the most common medicines used. They would make an infused lotion with this plant to help with stinging sunburn, cracked skin, and other skin irritations. When infused in alcohol, it can help with lice treatment, insomnia, and fungal diseases. It was also used to help people with type 2 diabetes when consumed as a beverage. Labrador tea is a great digestive system regulator, so Native Americans ingested it as a laxative or stomach soother. They acted as a repellant for common pests such as mice, rats, and insects to protect stored grains.


Those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have high blood pressure are advised against using this plant. In large doses it can cause diarrhea, dry airways, drowsiness, and increased urination, delirium, paralysis, palpitations, or death. It contains narcotic compounds and toxins that are harmful in large doses or lethal for livestock, especially sheep. Bog Laurel and Bog Rosemary may be misidentified as Labrador Tea without flowers but these are toxic!

Although Bog Laurel has a singular bright pink flower, the leaves are very similar. They are slimmer and longer than Labrador tea with an orange-red underside but without the fluff.

Bog Rosemary also has pink blooms and long skinny leaves but are light green and smooth on the underside. The flowers are bell shaped and softer in color.

One key identification feature as you can see is the rusty fluffy underside, which can help differentiate Labrador Tea from its toxic counterparts. Identification is easier when the shrub is in bloom.

Seek medical attention is excessive Labrador Tea is consumed. It is recommended to seek professional help when experimenting with different medicines. Be sure of your identification before consumption.

One response to “Labrador Tea”

  1. Tom Davies Avatar
    Tom Davies

    Very cool ! I look forward to other natural aids and resources.